Perhaps few of us remember the 1950s hot movie, “Rebel Without a Cause”, starring the iconic James Dean.  Dean played the part of a teen ager trying to fit in with new surroundings, a new school, and new peers.  More importantly, he was trying to be understood by his parents, and especially his father.  The movie became a hit and a rallying cry for many teens of the day, and well beyond that day.  I did not see the movie until much later, but it very aptly captured the conflicts and growing pains of teen agers and their desire to know who they are, and to be understood for who they are.

Although I did not experience all that happened to the character played by Dean, it is was very easy to connect with some of the conflict that was played out in the movie.  Varying degrees of conflict and rebellion are present in all our lives, and teen agers experience more than their share for that period of time in their lives.  Those years are often a turning point, and the coarse of lives are often set by what we experience and how we react to it.

As adults, most of that type of conflict is behind us.  Yet, we con continually have struggles and are occasionally in rebellion, possibly at work, in our homes, or within our personal relationships.  Our rebellion may be for what we believe to be a worthy cause, or it could be, and often is, without a cause.

There is one form of rebellion that is absolutely without a cause.  That is our rebellion against God.  Our thoughts, words, and actions often convey an attitude of rebellion, and if not outright rebellion, then an attitude of “I’m going to do it my way.”  I know, I’ve been there, and unfortunately, I am still there at times.

I need to be reminded that I have no reason, no cause, and no justification for being in rebellion against God.  He loves me before, during, and after my darker days of rebellion.  You are no different, he loves you just the same.

How about it?  Are you in rebellion?  What is your cause?

“The Lord is slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving sin and rebellion.” Numbers 14:18

 See you at the finish line.